Emmi - Interactive

Emmi CAFFÈ LATTE – Tour de Tahiti

Emmi CAFFÈ LATTE – Tour de Tahiti

Emmi wanted us to support the launch of the new Emmi CAFFÈ LATTE Vanilla Tahiti Edition with an online campaign that

  • raised awereness for the new product,
  • made the users engage with the product and the brand, and
  • used Tahiti content to entertain followers on social channels.

We took the community on the „Tour de Tahiti“: a ten-week competition with weekly tasks around Tahiti and the vanilla flavour.
Have a look at the execution in our slideshare presentation or download the „Tour de Tahiti“ campaign presentation as pdf.

Video Content

A central element of the „Tour de Tahiti“ campaign was the video content. Each weekly task was based on a new video while the intro trailer and the campaign video provided the basic facts.

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